Blue Spring Ride Blue Spring Ride Futaba Crying

WARNING: Spoilers.

The episode begins with a flashback from Kou's past during the time when his mom was hospitalized. The doctor was a bit hesitant to tell him about his mother's condition. But without any other relatives aside from him, the doctor had no choice but to disclose the real status of his mom's sickness. It was revealed that she had a lung cancer and had only half a year left to live. Kou tried to pretend as if nothing was wrong but his mom sensed everything and she decided to spend her remaining time with his son. However, Kou had a different goal that time and that was to study hard and get a good job to earn money for her. But his mom only wanted to spend time eating meals with him and watching TV as much as she could, and Kou later realized that he was wrong with his initial goal. He was shown in his house alone, desperately clutching to his mom's shawl while crying. The phone rang but he didn't answer it; it was his brother Yoichi. As Kou broke into tears while muttering words of apology, he saw a vision of Futaba running towards him, with anamazing expression on her face.

Yoshioka running

Kou wakes up and realizes that it was just a dream. The following day, his friends drag him to the library for another group study. He excuses himself for a moment and tells them that he will only go to the bathroom. However, he doesn't return anymore and everyone realize that they got deceived by Kou. Futaba directs everyone to chase after Kou and as she is walking backwards, she bumps into a male student. She steps on his foot and falls on top of the guy. Flustered, Yoshioka tries once again to apologize but her hand accidentally touches the guy's *beep*. (If you know what I mean. HAHAHA!)

" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" class="size-full wp-image-400" src="" alt=""I'm sorry!"" srcset=" 610w, 150w, 300w, 768w, 940w" sizes="(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px">

"I'm sorry!"

Futaba screams and says sorry again as she dashes out of the library, her friends running after her. They all ended up in a cafe since they couldn't find Kou anymore. They discuss how Kou was acting strange toward them when they thought that he was already getting closer to them.

Later that day, Futaba incessantly rings the doorbell to Kou's house but he isn't at home yet. Tanaka sensei opens the door and sees Yoshioka there. She complains to him how his brother doesn't open the door of his heart to her and his friends. She tells him that it seems to be locked, but Yoichi further adds that Kou probably even forgot to put a doorknob at all, let alone a keyhole to his heart. Futaba asks for an advice, but Tanaka doesn't know the answer either. With a renewed resolution, she decides to just break her way into his heart as she runs to find him. Tanaka smiles and points out how she is similar to a " storm" .

Futaba eventually finds Kou and confronts him. However, he argues back that she probably couldn't understand his feelings when his mom passed away. Teary-eyed, Futaba advances toward him and bangs his chest, as if trying to forcibly break open the locked door to his heart. Kou grabs her hand and asks her why she is trying so hard to get involved with him, just like the others. He adds that it only makes him scared. Upon hearing that, Futaba suddenly advances toward him and they both trip and fall down to the ground. She lands on top of him (and he thinks she is actually pretty heavy LOL.) She continues to lecture him and tells him that it's already too late for him to avoid them because him being scared only shows that he already started being concerned about his friends. Kou finally understands her and realizes that he only wants to be permitted to let his heart be moved and find meaning in his life. He hugs her as tears stream down his face.

They both continue to embrace each other while crying, and Kou becomes aware of the fact that he might have only been waiting for something to come to his life—something like a "storm" that his brother indicated earlier.

Koutaba hugging each other

(Aww. Just look at those two.This episode is definitely loaded with overwhelming emotions and them embracing each other like that is the perfect way to end this roller coaster ride.)


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