Jurassic Park the Chaos Continues Volcano

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Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues, released in 1994, is the follow-up to the original Jurassic Park game that was quite different and much, much worse. Ocean, the developer of both games, this time manages to deliver a terrific 2D shooter. However, looking for congruences between the game and the movie is damn near impossible, seeing how the only thing that both of them have in common is dinosaurs.

Best time, normal difficulty: 0:41:12 by Vincent 'Captain' Russo on 2007-12-26.

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Author's comments:

After completing this run I finally have something new to put on my resume and a good way to pick up girls at bars. I have been playing this game almost since it initially came out, so I have had a lot of experience with it. However as with anything there is always room for improvement, and I would be amused if someone could beat it in a quicker time.

Some things that personally made me laugh about this game:

  • The ability of Alan Grant to jump disgustingly high, I have no idea how he can jump over a jumping raptor...amazing.
  • How right after every level Alan Grant whips out his incredibly over-sized PDA so that he can get his next mission and text his friends
  • The expressionless face of the man in the jeep at the T-Rex level as he plummets into a pit to his death.
  • The logic of some of the missions as you will see from my level analysis is quite laughable. (All of which I highly embellish and exaggerate)
  • How the game and movie have absolutely nothing in common with each other.
  • The A.I. is really on par with that of an ice cube tray.
  • At the last level the T-Rex explodes which is just awesome.
  • The characters; the supposed Alan Grant looks nothing like, well, Alan Grant. Also if you play multiplayer you get some random-ass guy to tag along to keep things fresh.

Before I start on the synopsis on the levels I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to mikwuyma for guiding me through the submission of this speedrun. Thanks again for all of your help and dedication to this site. I would also like to thank Nate in advance for helping me encode this video and allow it to be downloaded for all. Thank you both so much for allowing me to contribute something to your wonderful site.

Now without further ado:

Regular Levels:

  • Raptor Attack:
    The basic idea behind this level is to eradicate the raptor infestation by going into an incredibly dangerous raptor infested building and turning on the gas. Excuse me, but if raptors are smart enough to open doors they are probably smart enough to start some variation of a gas company which charges minimum wage to fix any gas leaks that happen to spring up in their home. Of course this is what the story line lacks...originality...
  • T-Rex Carnage:
    At the end of this level you jump on a jeep driven by some poor unfortunate soul and go on a ride shooting the T-Rex who is chasing after you. The greatest part is when the jeep just flies off into the abyss with the driver totally straight-faced heading towards certain doom. Getting through this level was all memory of how everything was laid out while simultaneously playing Ace of Base to keep me pumped.
  • Blockade:
    This is the first level with only humans so you get a great look at the A.I. (or lack there of) in this game. Most of the time, they look like some kind of animal in captivity running back and forth, going absolutely no where. You have to really question the mastermind Biosyn behind their strategy; "Ok now I'll pay all of you 4 dollars an hour to run on a ledge to stop this guy...Yes that will get the bastard...." Check and mate.
  • High Ptera:
    Due to a fierce storm Mr. Hammond's premium lifetime network channels have been cut, so who else better to send up a dangerous cliff with hordes of people defending the radio tower above than you?
  • Seek and Destroy:
    In my opinion this level would have been a lot better if all of the members of Metallica were there to help you out. Kirk Hammet would just play guitar solos at the raptors and James Hetfield would YEAHHAH at them. It's easy enough to see where this game needs improvement but I digress.....The premise behind this level is to stop the raptors from laying eggs within a volcano. Of course this is overly elaborate and unnecessary for the player because they are laying eggs in a volcano....Not exactly the best place to start a nest, however wouldn't have much of a game if we didn't ignore common sense now would we? (Hence the ability for the character to jump approximately 15 feet in the air)
  • Protect the Gallimimus:
    If you couldn't tell by now, nobody has any regard for your life as a human being. You are ranked about as high as a Chia Pet and this level only hammers the point in that much more. The Gallimimus rank higher than you, so you must protect them by killing everyone in your path. Furthermore, you have to go out of your way not to hurt the Gallimimus because if you do, that will make Mr. Hammond go into temper tantrum mode and nobody wants that.

Emergency Levels:

  • Emergency Level 1 (Scientist radios for help):
    One of your scientists is on their period and needs help getting home. They equip you with the "Tampon-zooka" and Midol in hopes that you can return him back to base and quell his severe cramps.
  • Emergency Level 2 (Obtain the power generators):
    Your bosses manicure machine has lost power so you must enter a ridiculously dangerous building chock full of people trying to stop you from doing so. This mission is timed as with all emergency missions, and if your bosses nails get below the beauty standard you lose.
  • Emergency Level 3 (Auxiliary power switch):
    Difficulty-wise this is one of the tougher missions to get through because of the layout of the map and the aspect of it being timed like all emergency missions. Practice was the key to defeating this one.
  • Emergency Level 4 (Drop ship supplies):
    Mr. Hammond ordered large amounts of singing bass plaques and Biosyn has just gotten word. If you do not obtain the delivery before Biosyn, you are doomed to a bass-less home.
  • Emergency Level 5 (Capture the spy):
    An escaped spy who has some top secret data files (AKA Mr. Hammonds collector pog set complete with holographic slammer ) has slipped through the cracks and now it's your responsibility to track him down and retrieve it.
  • Emergency Level 6 (Give medication to the scout):
    The only other person to ever do anything aside from you has failed at their mission, so now it's your duty to go bail him out and give him medication before he dies. Throughout the mission you have to wonder if the dinosaurs and the humans formed some kind of an alliance due to their disregard of killing anyone but you....The plot thickens?

Final Missions:

  • Destroy Biosyn headquarters:
    Near the end of this level a man attempts to throw a wrench at you. This can compromise your life if you are not careful and really piss you off if you went all that way only to be killed by a wrench-throwing asshat.
  • Disarm the bombs:
    In this mission Biosyn out of desperation, plants 6 bombs under a volcano in an attempt to blow up the island. You would think this would have been a blessing seeing as the predicament the island is in, but your profit precedes your life. Go in the dangerously guarded volcano armed with explosives and defuse them.
  • T-Rex showdown:
    This level is great because if you miss the T-Rex with the special ammo once you pretty much lose the game so a lot of pressure is on the final match. The absolute best part of this level is when the T-Rex explodes at the end....I'm no scientist but unless they genetically engineered this T-Rex's DNA with that of some kind of explosive (which wouldn't surprise me based on the story line) I'm not quite sure what enables it to just blow up. All in all it adds a nice dramatic effect to the end and if I was a T-Rex that's probably how I would want to go out too.

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Source: https://speeddemosarchive.com/JurassicPark2SNES.html

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