Funny Clan Message of the Day

81 Family Reunion Quotes: Funny, Cute, & Inspirational


Michele Meleen Michele Meleen

Michele is a mom and aunt with experience assisting in child-rearing in addition to publishing resources while staying up-to-date on resrach and trends.

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| M.S.Ed.

Updated September 23, 2021

Portrait of three generation family during outdoor celebration

Family reunion quotes provide an easy way to share your love of family with close and distant relatives. Let your family know how happy you are to see them by including loving quotes on family reunion invitations, family reunion favors, reunion memory books, or family reunion T-shirts.

Funny Family Reunion Quotes

Funny Family Reunion Quote

If your family is known for having a great sense of humor, funny family reunion quotes are a must. These quotes work great for invitations to help set the mood for fun at the reunion.

  • Welcome to the annual gathering of people who all have the same nose (or other common facial feature)!
  • Some of us were born into this family, others were crazy enough to join by choice.
  • Like seagulls flocking to bread crumbs, our family is ready to fight for (insert person's name)'s famous (insert popular dish name) at this year's (insert family last name) Family Reunion!
  • Nothing is more awkward than a large family reunion. Half the people don't know who anyone is, and the other half know way too much about everyone.
  • There is an "I" in "family," but I know this reunion's not all about me.
  • So blessed to be a part of this mess. (Insert the last name of family and year of the reunion).
  • What happens at the (insert family last name) reunion, stays at the reunion.
  • Family reunions would be great if they weren't crawling with aunts!
  • Clearly, everyone at this reunion fell off the same nut tree.
  • The gang's getting back together. Remember, as far as anyone knows, we're all at the (insert family last name) reunion of our own free will.

Cute Family Reunion Quotes for T-shirts

Quotes for family reunion T-shirts should be short, but they can be funny, serious, or sentimental in nature. If you have a family reunion theme, look for a family reunion T-shirt saying that fits the theme. No matter which phrase you use on your shirt, be sure to add your family's last name too.

  • Like a good family, reunion shirts we will wear! (Insert family last name) for life.
  • Family gives me all the feels. (Insert family last name) reunion (Insert year).
  • Sun's out, fun's out! (Insert family last name) reunion (Insert year).
  • I speak fluent (Insert family last name). It takes one to know one. Reunion (Insert year).
  • ROFL (Reunited Original Family Love) with the (Insert family last name).
  • Got roots? (Insert family last name) family tree; growing strong since (Insert first year of family reunion).
  • Twinning with my fam. (Insert family last name) family reunion (Insert year).
  • We are family. I got all my relatives with me. (Insert family last name and year).
  • You couldn't build a family this cool if you had all the ice cubes in the world.
  • Reunited, and it feels so good!
  • We put the "fun" in dysfunctional.
  • Keep Calm and (insert name of family) Reunion (insert year of reunion).
  • Team (insert family name). Lifetime member.

Short Family Reunion Quotes for Pictures

Short Family Reunion Quotes for Pictures

Add a short quote to family reunion favors that turn them from little gifts to lifetime keepsakes.

  • Forget putting eggs in a basket. We got all our family members in one photo!
  • Family never looked so good.
  • Blood relatives make the best friends.
  • (Insert family last name)'s at our finest - together.
  • When the (insert family last name)'s get together, you can expect to capture the meaning of family.
  • Related by blood, bonded by love.
  • A family reunion picture's worth a thousand generations.
  • The family who smiles together stays together.
  • The (insert family last name) will always be a great masterpiece.

Nice Quotes About Family to Share at a Reunion

From family photo display boards to the family meeting at your reunion, quotes about keeping family together are perfect for sharing at this type of event.

  • You can't choose your family, but you can choose to attend the family reunion.
  • Family reunions are the place where you remember where you came from.
  • A family reunion is more than a party. It's the chance to celebrate your heritage.
  • A family reunion is the greatest tradition you could ever start and never end.
  • Honor your ancestors by keeping their memory alive at an annual family reunion.
  • When a whole family comes together, each person feels complete.
  • An extended family is a village within which you build your home.
  • When put together, we make the most beautiful puzzle.
  • These people here are home.
  • Our family is sewn together like a quilt that each of us can wrap ourselves up in.
  • We are all different branches and leaves, but we share the same strong roots.

Happy Family Gathering Quotes

Happy Family Gathering Quote

Happy and cute family quotes about gathering together are fitting for family reunions of all sizes. Choose one that will make every guest at the reunion smile from ear to ear.

  • Like raking the leaves in fall, gathering all the leaves from our family tree should be an annual tradition.
  • The act of gathering as a family strengthens the connections made long ago.
  • Getting together as a family is like putting all the chapters in a book. You need each member for the family to make sense.
  • Our cornucopia is full, as family has gathered.
  • Each year we harvest our family by picking up at our roots to provide an abundance of love.
  • On our own, we are great, but gathered we are perfect.
  • Family: happy apart, happier together.
  • Happiest when I'm here.
  • Nothing feeds my soul like the folks at this reunion.

Inspirational Quotes About Family Time

Strike a more sentimental note when you include inspirational family quotes and quotes about family time in your reunion.

  • The best time is (insert family last name) family time.
  • My favorite holiday of the year is the annual (insert family last name) family reunion day!
  • The time you spend with family keeps your inner clock running.
  • The time you enjoy with family is never wasted.
  • Time flies when you're with family.
  • The time spent with family can never be taken away.
  • There's always time for a family reunion!
  • With these people in my life, I know I am never alone.
  • Together, we truly make magic happen.
  • These people have given me the roots I need to stay grounded, and the wings to soar high above. Forever grateful.

Heartfelt Quotes About Being Reunited

Let everyone know how grateful you are for the opportunity to be together in your family reunion speech with sweet quotes about being reunited.

  • A family reunion is like finding all your soulmates at once.
  • It takes a whole family to be reunited.
  • Family reunions are the reward for all of life's hard decisions.
  • When a family comes together, the love creates a wave that can be felt around the world.
  • Our ancestors unite us, our family union reunites us.
  • Family reunions reunite the hearts that were meant to beat as one.
  • Reunions reunite the family for life.
  • One day each year spent together fuels our souls for the next 364 days.

Quotes About Family by Famous People

Family is crucial to people from all walks of life. These famous people capture the meaning of family perfectly with honest quotes on kin.

  • "You don't choose your family; they are God's gift to you, as you are to them." - Desmond Tutu
  • "Family is not an important thing. It's everything." - Michael J. Fox
  • "The family is one of nature's masterpieces." - George Santayana
  • "The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family." - Lee Iacocca
  • "I sustain myself with the love of family." - Maya Angelou
  • "The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other." - Mario Puzo
  • "The memories we make with our family are everything." - Candace Cameron Bure
  • "When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching - they are your family." - Jim Butcher
  • "Sticking with your family is what makes it a family." - Mitch Albom
  • "Life is beautiful. It's about giving. It's about family." - Walt Disney
  • No family is sane, is it?" - Rebecca Hall

What to Say at a Family Reunion

Part of planning a family reunion includes deciding what to say on invitations, shirts, displays, and mementos. Let your family know how happy you are to see them all by including meaningful family quotes everywhere you can. Long after the reunion has ended, the memories and the sayings will stay in family members' hearts and minds.


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